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View the latest post Bilge pump wiring

I just purchased a 3257 1988 carver Montego sedan I’m trying to fix wiring problems. The switch panel indicates two bilge pumps. However, there are three bilge pumps, the aft bilge pump and the mid cabin bilge pump both work as designed the forward bilge pump has two wires, and there is no power Have a good ground wire but the positive wire is dead I’m trying to figure out where it goes. Any suggestions? Thank you.

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View the latest post Engine hours not accurate on one engine

My 2000 396 aft cabin had some engine work performed last year. Apparently, the ignition key for one engine was left on by the mechanic (engine not running) so the hours listed for that engine is approximately 100 hrs. more than the other engine. What if anything can I do to correct this problem?

I anticipate questions about the hours if I ever try to sell the boat.


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View the latest post Just bought a 1995 Carver 370 Voyager

This is a boat that needs a lot of tender loving care. The previous owner did the hull work and replaced the engines with new ones with 5 hours on them. No leaks, so far. Wanted to join a community that may help this underqualified guy with his new project.

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View the latest post Engine Replacement

Good Day All,

Has anyone re powered a 320 Voyager ?

We have the 350 Crusader XL's with a little over 1100hrs on each. Started to burn some oil towards the end of last season and maybe this is related to a simpler issue that does not require for them to build rebuilt. We will have to look further into this. It is only the st'bd one that we are having trouble with currently, just thinking about be proactive and if we have to haul one, we might as well do both. I'm basically just the driver and leave the mechanics for someone else.

My question, is there another smaller engine setup that will match with the engine mounts and transmission ?
We don't run the engine's that hard and therefore if there is a more efficient power option out there, we might be inclined to explore that option.

Hope everyone is having a great day and would like to thank all in advance for any replies.

Cheers Capt Happy

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View the latest post Mercury Alpha 1 gen2 drives around 2004 to 2009

Since I have no experience with these, the only outdrives we ever had were the cobras in the 80's. We may be considering another boat, ( just miss boating a lot ) small stuff that is why the drive question. Single engine 5.0 to 5.7. , 4500 to 6000 # boats approx.

I have a couple of questions about these drives. Are there any tells as to condition by looking at the general appearance or running the drive in gear out of the water ( cracks etc). Does having a foil on it cause any issues, I see a lot like that. Are the Bravo drives much better ? Are parts available or are complete rebuilds the best way to go in Canada.

I would check the oil condition but if it had been changed then ???

If anyone has any experience, good or bad , any advice here would be greatly appreciated. TIA.. :down:

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Carver 396 solon vents

On my 2001 396 there are 3 ceiling vents on both sides of the solon ceiling. You can actually see light through one of them.
I assume they should be open to let out heat and moisture. Is my assumption correct?

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View the latest post 570 Voyager wiring

I just purchased a 2002 Carver 570 Voyager. It has all of the original electronics, so I am upgrading everything with all new Garmin products and doing the work myself. I’m trying to figure out the best way to get wires from the console under the steering wheel in the pilot house to the overhead compartment where the screens will go. I would appreciate any advice.

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View the latest post Attachment(s) Salon Light Covers

Can any of y’all help direct me to a source to buy some new covers for the recessed lights in my 97 325?

Since Carver closed, I can no longer call Brett!

Thanks in advance,


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View the latest post Salon Light Covers

Can any of y’all help direct me to a source to buy some new covers for the recessed lights in my 97 325?

Since Carver closed, I can no longer call Brett!

Thanks in advance,


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View the latest post Attachment(s) Forward Cleats

Hello Mateys. I have a 2005 Mariner and was able to secure a town mooring spot. I will be utilizing this for day trips and occasional overnighters. When I'm 'on the hook' I fasten to the centerline cleat which I know has a proper backing plate below deck. My concern with the port/starboard forward cleats to which the pennant lines attach at the mooring is that they are fully reinforced below deck. I am not able to visualize from the anchor locker. I have included an image and am interested in your feedback. Thanks.


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