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View the latest post Attachment(s) 1987 36 Mariner - back to life!

This year we bought a 1987 Carver 36 Mariner that sat out in the open for 10 years. I've posted some pix in my photobucket link below, and will post more as we go along. I listed a bunch of things we've done so far in the intro forum at the top.

Been working on it since about July.

Right now we have a total investment of 17k, which includes every dime we spent on her from purchase to registration, heated winter storage, and all the stuff we purchased. Not counted is the 500 hours so far between my wife and me. We only have about 4k to go in spending, and we'll be boating soon!

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View the latest post Newby

Hi all
Found this site through boatered. I've owned Carvers since 1988.

We bought our first boat, a 1988 Carver 2807 Riviera in September of '88, brand new, from Oselka'0s in New Buffalo, Mi. Had it Lake Michigan until 92; Moved to Kent Island, MD, had it there for a number of years; then moved it all the way to Ventura, Ca for a few years; and finally to Port Washington, WI for a couple of years.

While in CA, bought a 1964 Barron flatbottom drag boat and still have it.

While in Port, found a Carver 4207 in St Louis. Bought it, and owned two Carvers for a while, but eventually sold the Riviera. The 4207 was a beautiful big boat, but alas, gas powered, or underpowered, and we didn;t use it much more than a weekend condo. We did do our annual 3 week boating trip, but I avoided weather like the plague.

Moved to Saint Joseph, MI, where we have a condo and 3 40foot slips right in front of the condo, and 5 minutes to the lake. The 4207 made no sense, so, we sold it, and I bought a boat that definitely handles big rough water, a 1988 Kevlar Cougar with triple 900hp 572s. My wife hates it. It's noisy as hell, and faster in the rough water than just about any boat on the lake, in rough water. No wind and smooth, lotsa boats faster. Does about 104 in light chop water.

As a side note, also bought a 1969 Glaspar Avalon with a 1969 Johnson Electromatic (both in like new condition), for trips up the Saint Joseph River, at least up to the dam.

So, I keep my boat, and this past year we bought a fixer-upper 1987 Mariner. It sat for ten years, uncovered. If you go to my photobucket link below and click around, you'll find the Mariner album, and in there are folders of the prebuy pix, and the progress we've made. Right now we have about 17k in it, which includes the winter storage, moving it, and all the work we've done.
Things we've done:
Washed, waxed with about $150 of compound and wax so far, reupholstered the flybridge, ripped the monkeyfur carpet out and replaced it all (the carpet behind the cabin cushions), redid the cushions, loosened up all the windows and rebedded them, ripped out the sinks and installing blue corral granite, new sinks, new faucets, all new fabric trim where fabric trim was, all new interior lighting, new bathroom wallpaper, replaced the plastic mirror with a piece of brushed stainless, both ac units, had to install a new hynautic reservoir because somewhere in 10 years somebody took it, rebuilt both carbs, rebuilt both distributors, new plugs, fluids, oils, etc, same on genny, primed all the oil systems, drained 300 gallons of bad gas to a farmer, a combination of new and old electronics - green screen Raytheon open 48m radar, icom radio, color furuno chartplotter/depth/speed/temp, standard loudhailer, new galaxy antennas with the new-style mounts, remote control spotlight, bridge stereo with all new speakers, amps, and sub, brought up power bus and intalled breakers for each device on the bridge for easy access, new bottom paint, all new boot and other stripping, refinished the carver signs, new fenders, lines, anchor and rode, and probably a bunch more but you get the idea. It will be a new boat.
Things yet to do - finish up the electronics install, new sunbrella (we'll do it ourselves), new carpet - not by us, fill the tanks with gas, fire the engines up (280 hours each, checked with bore-scope and valve covers off - looks like brand new - they winterized it right!), put it in a sling and in the water to check for leaks and problems, and then teach my wife how to drive "her" boat!

Anyway, glad I found this place. If anybody needs any info on 2807s, 4207s, and now this 3697, I know these boats inside and out, since I do all my own maintenance and upgrades.

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View the latest post Looks great

Hi! Just heard about this site on facebook. Looks awesome so far but we need to get the word spread!


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View the latest post Hi all!

Hi everyone! I know there are other forums out there with Carver areas but having a whole forum dedicated to just Carver is awesome!

Thanks for setting this up!

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View the latest post Carver Sojourn Reviews

From around the web

Carver 44 Sojourn Review - Boattest.com http://www.boattest.com/boats/boat_video.aspx?id=2543

Carver 44 Sojourn Review - Power & Motoryacht: http://www.powerandmotoryacht.com/node/158763

Carver 44 Sojourn Review - Boating Mag: http://www.boatingmag.com/carver-44-sojourn

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View the latest post Carver Mariner Reviews

From around the web:

Carver Mariner 350 - Boattest.com: http://www.boattest.com/boats/boat_video.aspx?id=88

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View the latest post Now this is a pretty boat

I spent a couple of months on a Carver 560 Voyager last summer in the Bahamas. A beautiful boat is some beautiful water:




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View the latest post New to the Forum - Capt Keith

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to Carver Yacht Owners Forum. My name is Capt Keith. While I do not own a Carver, I sure have spent lots of time on one. I think they are fantastic boats. I hope I am able to learn from and contribute to the forum. Cheers!

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View the latest post Lets get this started

As a long time boater, and self professed forum geek, I thought it high time some created a real owners forum.

This site was created to help Carver Yacht Owners Connect and Share Information. We will be growing over time, please stick around and check back from time to time. Please contribute and help us generate quality content for Carver Owners.

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