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83 aft cabin toilet

Discussion of AC's, plumbing and sanitation related issues.
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83 aft cabin toilet

Postby markstarbucks » September 22nd, 2019, 6:32 pm

We recently purchased a 83 3207 aft cabin. We love it so far but have a couple issues I’m hoping someone can help with. The main cabin toilet will not flush. It will fill up with water to the rim of the seat but not flush. I thought maybe the tanks were full so ask our marina to pump them. They informed me they could get one to empty but couldn’t get to the other one. Which leads to Second issue

How do you get main cabin toilet to flush?? Or what reason would prevent it from flushing?

Secondly is there a valve or something I need to open to allow my marina to drain the waste tanks??

Sorry if these are simple solution questions we just went from
A pontoon to this and are trying to learn how it all works

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Re: 83 aft cabin toilet

Postby buster53 » September 22nd, 2019, 6:57 pm

So, did the marina give you any explanation as to why they couldn't empty the second tank? If not, ask and see what options you have to get it empty.
Which tank did they empty? The forward tank or the aft tank? If they emptied the aft, the forward tank may still be full and not allowing you to flush the head.
First step, get the other tank emptied out.
Do you have any boating buddies who are a little more savvy about marine sanitation? Ask them to give you a "Understanding Marine Sanitation Systems for Dummies" primer course. It's not rocket science but having someone teach you the basics will help a lot.
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Re: 83 aft cabin toilet

Postby bud37 » September 22nd, 2019, 7:41 pm

What kind of toilet system do you have there....manual pump, electric macerator.....or vacu flush..?
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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Re: Toilet trouble

Postby Viper » September 22nd, 2019, 10:13 pm

Need to know the make and model you have.
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Re: 83 aft cabin toilet

Postby km1125 » September 23rd, 2019, 3:21 pm

You should find your tanks and visually see if either of them are full. They are usually translucent but you can shine a light on the side of them to see how full they are.

If you have a clogged vent it could prevent the suction systems from emptying your tank. Also, you need to check for a diverter valve that may be closed off or broken which prevents your head from pumping into the tanks. Those usually need to be wired so that you can't inadvertently pump overboard. Your head might also need rebuilding, as it has a couple check valves that allow the "stuff" to by pumped though. That is NOT a pleasant project to do, but necessary every once in a while.
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Re: 83 aft cabin toilet

Postby Tireless » September 23rd, 2019, 10:14 pm

My 3207 had a holding tank for each head, the main and the aft. It is difficult to say what is going on with the toilet without knowing what kind of toilets you have. Is it possible that the toilet is plugged to the point that the fluid, or what you are trying to flush, will not go down. You can try using a plunger to loosen things up.

If that does not work, then get your marina to pump it out from the toilet bowel. I had a bad plug that couldn't be freed up and this removed the jam. They will need to attach an 1 1/2" ABS pipe to the end of their pump out hose. You can purchase a plastic male end that receives the pump out hose and it will clamp onto it. Just attach about 1 foot of ABS pipe and glue it to a plastic male fitting of the same diameter as the pump out fitting at your marina. In Canada they can be purchased at Princess Auto, not sure if they are in the US. You stick the ABS pipe into the bottom of the toilet bowl and push down over the hole and create a seal. Then pump out the line from the bowl to remove the jam. It is better if you keep water in the bowl during the process. Good luck.

Please provide more info on the other symptoms as requested by others.

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Re: 83 aft cabin toilet

Postby tomschauer » September 23rd, 2019, 11:38 pm

If you just purchased the boat, there is a good chance the previous owner had and issue that they failed to share with you, or they were just overboarding.
Most of these boats have several options for waste. Toilet to holding tank, toilet to overboard discharge, or macerator from holding tank to overboard discharge.
With these options , there are several valves to choose which way to go. The previous owner may have had the one head discharging directly overboard and decided to close the valve before selling to prevent being outed as an a hole.
Not sure of your mechanical ability, but you may be able to follow the lines and figure out whats up.
If you are in Lancaster, I would assume you are somewhere in the northeast river or Susquehanna river, upper bay area. Let me know what marina you are in and I may know someone that can help you for a couple beers.

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