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Lost Power to Vacuflush

Posted: August 21st, 2024, 7:05 pm
Last night the vacuflush worked...then it didn't... then it did..... Today its dead. No power going to it. Everything else in the bathroom works fine. Nothing in the panel box is tripped. The switch in the head in in the run (not sleep) position... Suction is perfect when it worked.

I put a test light on the run/sleep switch and no power there... Can the circuit breaker just fail??? Its not tripped.. Is there another fuse? What could have failed. Never had a problem with this. Until now...



Re: Lost Power to Vacuflush

Posted: August 22nd, 2024, 5:07 pm
by Alanna Mo Cree
This site helped me troubleshoot the system:

I don't have a run/sleep switch on mine, but if I suspected power issues I would check at the vacuum switch on the vacuum generator. On my boat that is port side of the engine room outboard behind the fuel tank. My dock neighbor has an older mariner and his vacuum generator is under the forward berth. The breaker for the system is also in the engine room, not on the panel with the rest of the breakers.

I recently rebuilt pretty much the entire vacuum generator side of the system because the pump would not shut off. By process of elimination it turned out to be the vacuum switch itself, which is a part that supposedly rarely fails. I'm not sure how it could fail in the always off mode though, since the vacuum generated is what sucks the switch out to turn it off.

Re: Lost Power to Vacuflush

Posted: August 22nd, 2024, 8:45 pm
by mjk1040
Open the 12 volt breaker panel and check for power to the toilet breaker, breakers do fail!

Re: Lost Power to Vacuflush

Posted: August 23rd, 2024, 6:10 pm
by KyleR
Also check all your electrical connections on the vacuum generator for corrosion (e.g. motor connectors, vacuum switch connectors, etc.)

I've frequently been plagued by random electrical failures that turned out to be nothing more than corrosion or possibly a loose/broken connector.

Please let us know what you find. ;-)