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New battery charger

Discussion of batteries, chargers, wiring, generators, distribution panels, battery switches, etc.
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Re: New battery charger

Postby bud37 » October 25th, 2018, 2:12 pm

So a little tidbit for all...pulled the 5000 series 12505EG charles out today, looked like brand new, anyway on the info plate on the side it appears to be for gel batteries, there is no switching device on this unit for lead acid.....interesting as it appears to be factory....... :popcorn:
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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Re: New battery charger

Postby Midnightsun » October 25th, 2018, 2:31 pm

Yep, double checked and the EG does say it is for Gel. http://www.charlesindustries.com/marine ... 5B1%5D.pdf Somebody screwed up unless the boat was delivered with Gel batteries. Then again I doubt .3 volts at bulk charging is going to make a difference and the float charge is the same as wet cell.
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Re: New battery charger

Postby bud37 » October 25th, 2018, 6:11 pm

Found an explanation saying that the EG can be used for lead acid but it goes on to say that it would not get the lead acid type batteries up to their max capacity...interesting.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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Re: New battery charger

Postby Viper » October 25th, 2018, 8:56 pm

Both charging curves are pretty similar. Doubt there would be much of a notable difference with batteries that are in good shape. Is there a problem with the Charles?
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Re: New battery charger

Postby Midnightsun » October 26th, 2018, 3:47 am

Charles made really good units arguably the best at the time. This is also the brand I have in mine however a newer style which added more battery type possibilities by installing a selector switch. Actually have 2, a 3 bank 60A and a separate single bank 10a that does the generator battery. Unfortunately they discontinued their charger line around 2016 and now concentrate on more lucrative items. I do understand the business decision with the new boat market the way it has been for so many years. I would also like to know what was wrong with your stock unit.
Cheers, Hans
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Re: New battery charger

Postby bud37 » October 26th, 2018, 8:46 am

Good morning guys, as I see it, that .3 vdc at ? amps may just be enough to hinder the unit from getting the battery to the number the charger needs to see to get itself to drop back to float mode. In the last two years monitoring the system I have never once seen float or anything less than 14.2 Vdc., for this reason I never leave the charger on unattended, 17 years old, inside there may be some sort of adjustment but its time to let it go. Certainly is a good looking unit, heavy aluminium case, big cooling fins etc...I don't like the compression connection terminals though , no separate case ground, and also no way to equalize.....

FYI, the info about the charger not getting the batteries topped up came from their own FAQ.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:
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Re: New battery charger

Postby Bentone23 » November 18th, 2018, 8:57 pm

I have a ProMariner, Pro Nautic 1230 on the way. It’s a 3 bank 30 amp smart charger. Won’t bake the batteries while I’m away. I don’t need a 50 amp because I am away for a week at a time and use it for 2 days.
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Re: New battery charger

Postby tomschauer » November 18th, 2018, 11:23 pm

I only moved up to the 1250 for two reasons, first, my stereo amp draws 50 amps when driven hard, which is not very often, Second, west marine had the 1250 on sale for $10 less than the 1230. Go figure?

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