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444 CMY Power Question

Posted: November 2nd, 2014, 2:18 pm
by jmalgieri
I want to change the 2 50 amp 125volt receptacles to one 50 amp 250 volt receptacle so that I do not have to use an adapter all the time. Any idea on how I would wire this? Do I gang the 2 lines together? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: 444 CMY Power Question

Posted: November 7th, 2014, 8:08 am
Hi there ,
I have a single 50 amp Shore cord on my 456. I understand why you want to make your change but highly recommend that you hire a Marine Electrician to do the job. The factory cabling probably runs directly to your 120V panel in the Salon .
The probability of an Electrical fire is quite high if the job is not done properly .
Also , on a future Survey , The Surveyor will notice any work that is not safe. You might have to redo any work that is not to ABYC Standards.