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Generator exhaust fumes

Posted: July 30th, 2013, 12:07 pm
by Luckyskiff
My new to me Carver 355 AC has an issue with generator exhaust fumes getting into the salon. When I run the generator, the salon fills with fumes enough to set off the CO detectors. The exhaust smell also blows out the main AC ducts even though the AC unit is located in a compartment sealed off from the main bilge area.

Te local boat yard can't find any issues and said that the exhaust fittings are secure.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue. The generator is unusable right now.

Thanks for any help.

Re: Generator exhaust fumes

Posted: July 30th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by waybomb
I am going to make a bunch of guesses, so bear with me.

Does the Genny have a water muffler? Is the muffler getting water - the exhaust on the outside of the boat should be almost silent. If you can hear the exhaust, you may not be getting water.I would think the water would absorb most of the co and smell. The engine's cooling water should be routed to run through the muffler, and then exits the boat out the genny's exhaust pipe.

There's not much else between the exhaust manifold and the exterior of the boat. I would think the mechanics would have made sure the exhaust manifold gaskets are not leaking. With generator running, if they are leaking, you'll hear the leak and you'll see a discolored manifold. And if you run your hand along the engine/manifold joint, you'll feel the exhaust escaping. CAUTION - if the thing is leaking in the hull, make sure you have somebody topsides that could pull you out if you get overcome with co. Nothing to play with!

All that's left is hoses and connections. Everything should be double clamped, with tension in adjacent clamps opposite each other. I doubt the hoses are leaking, but it is a possibility. Run your hands along the hoses and feel for leaks. Retorque all the clamps.

Good Luck!

Re: Generator exhaust fumes

Posted: July 30th, 2013, 8:56 pm
by AaHubb
Where is the exhaust outlet, is it near any open windows/ports?