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generator switch over
Posted: May 28th, 2017, 9:36 am
by Agriman
I had some work done on my generator and on the weekend the generator started and ran great, but did not provide any power. Is there a switch to change from shore power? This is on our Mariner 350.
Re: generator switch over
Posted: May 28th, 2017, 10:07 am
by bud37
There is a breaker ( maybe white double switch) on the side of the black box at the back top of the generator, check that first to see if it is engaged...guy maybe shut it off while working on it......

Re: generator switch over
Posted: May 28th, 2017, 12:43 pm
by Agriman
Thank you very much, I will check that out next time at the marina. I believe once turned on it automatically switches when plugged in to shore power.
Re: generator switch over
Posted: May 28th, 2017, 11:01 pm
by feeez
Agriman wrote:Source of the post Thank you very much, I will check that out next time at the marina. I believe once turned on it automatically switches when plugged in to shore power.
Alway ask the stupid question!!!! just in case. Did you turn on the shore power breaker(s) on the AC panel after the the generator was started? Sometimes they will trip during the genny startup.
Re: generator switch over
Posted: May 29th, 2017, 1:55 pm
by Agriman
Yes the breakers were on. I'm pretty sure Bud 37 has the answer.
Re: generator switch over
Posted: June 4th, 2017, 1:30 pm
by Agriman
Thank you to Bud37. The switch is as you say and solved my problem. All is working great.