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Maintenance WIFI charger

Posted: October 24th, 2018, 5:43 am
by Midnightsun
So here is my dilemma. Boat is stored 2 hours away and not exactly accessible all winter long. I do have wifi on board to which an Arlo camera system is connected. Obviously I cannot leave this on since the house bank would be toast come spring. Problem on my boat is there is no way of hooking up to shore power unless there is 220v available which is not the case.

Ordered this for $30, maintenance charger that has built in wifi. ... 3007282918 Will hook up to my house bank and plug it into an available 110v outlet at the storage facility. This will allow me to monitor battery condition no matter where I am via my phone and allow the camera system to run. Tried hooking it up last night at home and connected it to wifi, looks like it is working great.

Link to what the APP looks like.

Re: Maintenance WIFI charger

Posted: October 24th, 2018, 5:47 am
by pepmyster
That is cool, will the marina allow you to be hooked up to the 110v all winter?

Re: Maintenance WIFI charger

Posted: October 24th, 2018, 5:59 am
by Midnightsun
Normally not but I figure I can work something out since it is a not an entire boat, just a small maintenance charger. Really no different than having a solar panel operating which would charge. My panels are actually functional and in the dome storage light does come through but my meter says .2 amp charge is all I get which is only during the daytime which may not be enough to handle the demand.

Re: Maintenance WIFI charger

Posted: October 24th, 2018, 6:39 pm
by pepmyster
No harm in asking, it might just depend on the insurance company if they will allow any boat in storage to be connected.