3867 Santego Breaker Panel Lights
Posted: October 13th, 2019, 3:20 am
Well, I finally tired of looking at my circuit breaker panel and seeing all of the panel indicators not working. So after locating a spec sheet for Solico (Sorenson Lighted Controls) I determined what I needed and what I wanted. The original panel lights for the DC side were part # 1835-1-10-20140 or 18 series 14volt incandescent -6' wire leads - white base with no finished bezel - flush translucent green lens and the AC side were 1850-1-10-20140, same as above but 125 volt neon. Here is one of the original lights.
With my other Santego I had learned these were rather bright, as the wattage is 1 watt each. I was determined to put back in LEDs which were only .3 or 1/3 watt.
My biggest issue was finding enough replacements with the same appearance after installation. I needed 32 DC indicators and 10 AC ones. They come with either no finished bezel (so the bezel matches the color of the base, black or white), a bright (silver) bezel or black. It also seems green is one of the harder colors to come by too. most of the time I was find either red or amber. I kept watching the what was in stock at Spemco and Lakeview Electronics. I wasn't picky about the style just that they were green and LED. The AC panels would have to be 18 series as that is the only series for the 125 volt LEDs.
So finally I was able to come up with enough from Lakeview that would match. So I ordered 32 2412-3-23-20340 (24 series 14 volt led - .187 quick connects - black base with black bezel - flush diamond green lens) and 10 1815-1-13-20340 (18 series 125 volt LED-6" wire leads-white base with black bezel-flush diamond green lens). I ordered the quick connects as that will make them easier to replace in the future should the need arise. Just open the panel, pull the wires loose and replace. No more cutting and splicing. The 125 volt LEDs only come in the 18 series, so wire leads is the only choice.
Now the quick connects are .187" which are slightly smaller than the more common .250". So if you do the same, make sure you get the 187 series disconnects. Here's a photo comparing the two.
So with everything in hand I tear into the panels and being the replacement of everything. Looks like a God awful bowl of spaghetti behind that panel, so turn the power off, because I had to trace the wires by hand. The AC side was a little easier, but it was still cluttered.
Here the completed project. You will notice on the AC side I have four light that are different. These were four I already had on hand. Since Solico doesn't put the part numbers on the light I had hoped they would be LED, but turns out they were neon.
Oh well at least they match. Now I need to find two 34 series lights for the reverse polarity indicators and all will be like new again.
Now the LED's aren't as bright as the old panel lights were and the diamond lens does have an effect on the lights. as you can see in the photo above of the Dc side. Some appear brighter than others in the photo, but this changes as you change the angle from which you are view them.

With my other Santego I had learned these were rather bright, as the wattage is 1 watt each. I was determined to put back in LEDs which were only .3 or 1/3 watt.
My biggest issue was finding enough replacements with the same appearance after installation. I needed 32 DC indicators and 10 AC ones. They come with either no finished bezel (so the bezel matches the color of the base, black or white), a bright (silver) bezel or black. It also seems green is one of the harder colors to come by too. most of the time I was find either red or amber. I kept watching the what was in stock at Spemco and Lakeview Electronics. I wasn't picky about the style just that they were green and LED. The AC panels would have to be 18 series as that is the only series for the 125 volt LEDs.
So finally I was able to come up with enough from Lakeview that would match. So I ordered 32 2412-3-23-20340 (24 series 14 volt led - .187 quick connects - black base with black bezel - flush diamond green lens) and 10 1815-1-13-20340 (18 series 125 volt LED-6" wire leads-white base with black bezel-flush diamond green lens). I ordered the quick connects as that will make them easier to replace in the future should the need arise. Just open the panel, pull the wires loose and replace. No more cutting and splicing. The 125 volt LEDs only come in the 18 series, so wire leads is the only choice.
Now the quick connects are .187" which are slightly smaller than the more common .250". So if you do the same, make sure you get the 187 series disconnects. Here's a photo comparing the two.
So with everything in hand I tear into the panels and being the replacement of everything. Looks like a God awful bowl of spaghetti behind that panel, so turn the power off, because I had to trace the wires by hand. The AC side was a little easier, but it was still cluttered.
Here the completed project. You will notice on the AC side I have four light that are different. These were four I already had on hand. Since Solico doesn't put the part numbers on the light I had hoped they would be LED, but turns out they were neon.

Now the LED's aren't as bright as the old panel lights were and the diamond lens does have an effect on the lights. as you can see in the photo above of the Dc side. Some appear brighter than others in the photo, but this changes as you change the angle from which you are view them.