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Anchor Roller

Posted: November 11th, 2015, 8:59 am
by bobfino
Hello, on my 2005 39MY the anchor roller is very dull looking. I have noticed that on similar Carvers of the same year they all look the same. Has anybody tried removing these and polishing them to have a nicer finish?

Re: Anchor Roller

Posted: April 3rd, 2016, 10:49 pm
by Hugo
Yes, it will polish right up. I also welded thicker plates to the end of mine and made a proper strap to hold the chain in out of a 5/8" rod. That strap that is on there is a joke if you anchor in any kind of wind. I have a 444 but same system as the 396...

Don't forget to get a matching anchor and a Kong swivel :down:

While you're at it throw out the plastic foot controls and get the stainless ones.
