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screen door

Posted: April 6th, 2022, 5:58 pm
by Grafunkus
We have a 3607 aft cabin with the sliding hatch and short doors. Last year I tried a number of options to try to keep the bugs out. Different types of screening. Some draped over the door. One attempt at hanging something from the railing around the door. All of them were very awkward to use. What do others use? I like to keep the doors open for the breeze and ease of use.

Re: screen door

Posted: April 6th, 2022, 7:27 pm
by km1125
I never kept those doors open when bugs were around, so I never really thought about a screen there.

With the bow hatch open and the screen in place there, and either the aft hatch open or the salon windows open, there'd always be a good breeze. Never even thought about needing or having air conditioning the first ~15 years of owning the boat.

If you're not going in and out a lot, you might consider making a couple frames with screen and using something like velcro to hold them in place.

That all said, my worst incident with bugs and those doors/hatch opened was when I was enroute returning from a fireworks show. I was up on the bridge piloting (in near darkness about midnight) and the rest of the folks were inside the cabin with the lights on. I had no idea, but the bugs were certainly drawn to the light and apparently streamed into the cabin the whole way back. We were vacuuming up bugs for days after that. Yuck.