Sailed and enjoyed it but now it’s just WORK! Not to mention I pinched my wife’s finger with a halyard line. There went the sailboat.
We were talking about motorboat for a long time and actually figured when my daughter’s schooling was done we could get another boat. As soon as we got notice my daughter was graduating I said to my wife, I’d like to get a boat. To my surprise her response was sure we could actually call it “ no more to tuition”.
Of course as soon as we got to the graduation my, daughter ran up and said look daddy I have a surprise ; I just got engaged, “so much for the boat my wife said “.
Well the dust has settled and happy to say my wife and I have just signed contracts on a 2001 Carver 466. Big change from my sailing years. Just too much work for the old guy.
Kim has had to put up with (as she calls it) “boat porn”, for 2 years now. We’ve gone to see a bunch of rats from Sea Rays , Carvers and Silvertons. Everyone looks good in pictures!
We’ve fallen in love with the 506 but not in the budget now! But we found a CLEAN 466. Awaiting survey and the such.
Very excited to get her on the Hudson for the summer. We might actually get to go somewhere! I’ve sailed all my life but got to the “dam blow boat” stage of my life. I’ve spoken to a number of motor boaters who are telling me they take weekend trips all over. Heck it took the whole weekend to just get anywhere before. Lol
So that’s our story and know we already have all kinds of electronics, internet and just basic how do we use questions. Hope to have those soon, within the month.