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Advice on buying a 2001 444

Posted: April 14th, 2020, 8:21 am
by Smokin Fish
Hi All:

I’m an avid boater (waterskiing, runabouts, etc) and I’m taking the plunge to buy a yacht (too old to waterski any more LOL) I really like the Carver 444 and I’m looking at one (online) that’s a 2001. Once this COVID19 stuff is over and I can venture out, I’m going to take a look at her. Anything I should be looking for or weary of? Any good questions I should ask?

She’s only fresh water and stored covered. From the photos, it looks like the hull/bottom needs a new paint job.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Advice on buying a 2001 444

Posted: April 14th, 2020, 11:49 am
by Tireless
I have a 2006 Carver 44 CMY and I love the boat. As with all Carvers, they are a quality boat and very well built. As with all boats, it depends on how it was maintained over they years. There are two major areas to look at, both structural and the mechanical. When I purchased mine, I had a boat survey done for the structural aspect and I had a Volvo Penta specialist do a mechanical survey, including oil analysis on both engines, genny and the transmissions.

It would be fair to say that all boats are different and it is important to have an investigation done to by an expert to identify issues. When ever I have purchased a boat I would put an offer on the boat conditional on a number of things including sea trial, structural and mechanical survey. I would typically NOT rely on a survey done by the seller. If there is a recent fresh survey done by the seller, you can always have your own surveyor review the boat and the survey to see if it is reliable. It is entirely up to you as to whether you trust a recent survey done buy a seller. Make sure all the equipment is operational and in good working order. Some of this equipment can be very expensive to replace.

Your surveyor will more than likely know the boat and what are typical things to look for. They will sound the structure and get a moisture readings where he hears any anomalies. Research the history of the boat and if you can, speak to a previous owner or two.

Bottom paint is only a maintenance issue and not a big deal, however, the paint is expensive and you should give it a sanding before hand.

Individuals on this forum are extremely knowledgable and are very free with great advice, however, unless someone actually knows the boat that you want to buy, you need to do your own due diligence.

Welcome to the forum and good luck with your purchase. When you find that boat, you will enjoy it a great deal.


Re: Advice on buying a 2001 444

Posted: April 14th, 2020, 1:46 pm
by Smokin Fish
Thanks Greg - sound advice!

Re: Advice on buying a 2001 444

Posted: April 14th, 2020, 5:47 pm
by waybomb
Welcome aboard! Let us know how it works out.

Re: Advice on buying a 2001 444

Posted: April 15th, 2020, 12:46 am
by RGrew176
Welcome Aboard. Good luck with the Carver 44. Lots of great people here and they are willing to share information. We're all hoping this Covid thingy ends sooner rather than later. Hope once you get a chance to look the boat over it fulfills your needs.

Look forward to hearing more from you and we love pictures.