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1999 356 swim platform hand hold

Posted: May 4th, 2020, 7:49 pm
I am in the chicago area would like to replace the swim platform hand hold on my 1999 356. Where can i find an original part?

Re: 1999 356 swim platform hand hold

Posted: May 4th, 2020, 10:30 pm
by g36
If it looks like on my 405 then here you go... I would suggest probing the area around the hole when you take out the old one and check for rot, remove any and epoxy . You can epoxy all the edges and enlarge the screw holes fill with epoxy and redrill them so no core can ever get wet. If you haven't and have the oem deck box you should remove it and check for rot around screw holes in the deck and also enlarge and epoxy them cause carver didn't seal them.