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2004 Carver 460 hard top height
Posted: April 30th, 2022, 7:21 pm
by Stress Relief VI
Just bought a 2004 Carver 460 with a hardtop. I’m going to remove the radar from the top and lower everything else down for maximum bridge clearance. I need to know what the height of the hard top base is. We have a fixed bridge coming into our marina is 18 to 22 varying on the tide My neighbor has a 450 with the radar removed that goes under it all the time. I hope one of you guys can tell me that height before accessories
Re: 2004 Carver 460 hard top height
Posted: May 1st, 2022, 7:45 am
by g36
I can't help with your measurements but I also have a fixed bridge to go under. I found this website and they custom made me a folding radar mount that I use for radar and my intellion satellite dome. They also have pre-made but they will work with you on what you need and customize to your dimensions
Re: 2004 Carver 460 hard top height
Posted: May 2nd, 2022, 12:26 pm
by waybomb
Can't help you on this one, but welcome aboard!