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Empty Nesters Taking the Plunge
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 8:53 am
by SomeDayCame
Hello all,
We are new empty nesters taking the downsizing to a new level. Just sold our 3600 sq ft home and bought a 2002 57' Carver to live aboard here in DC. Been on it a week and already have become find where the smell is coming from expert, change out the float to the rear baffle expert etc. Loving it so far. Any advice?
Re: Empty Nesters Taking the Plunge
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 3:22 pm
by gsellers
Great to have you here. My wife and I are about 1 step behind you. We also recently purchased a Voyager 570 to live aboard, but we are selling the house and getting an apartment for a few years before moving the boat to the gulf coast. We are currently on fresh water on Lake Texoma and using the boat 4 nights a week. Maybe we we'll get by your way in about 5 years when we plan to start out on the great loop.
Good luck
Re: Empty Nesters Taking the Plunge
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 4:12 pm
by SomeDayCame
Funny thing is that was our plan originally. I'm not so sure about the winters here in DC on a boat. Then we did the math and figured why not. If it gets too uncomfortable we can always move on land temporarily. The owners in our live aboard community told us that they faired just fine last winter (which was unusually long and cold). We are also preparing to do the great loop in about 4-5+ years. Thanks for the note.
Re: Empty Nesters Taking the Plunge
Posted: August 13th, 2014, 10:24 am
by Lyndon670
I envy both of you. My wife and I just bought a 2001 506 with plans to head south in 10 years. My twins are 17 and we want to get them out and through school. Once that is done, I'll "pull the chute" at work and cast off the lines for the last time! Cherish your time....
Re: Empty Nesters Taking the Plunge
Posted: October 4th, 2014, 2:48 pm
by SomeDayCame
OK so now it's getting a little chilly. We just went and bought a mattress heater as recommended by everyone here in the marina. It is still beautiful here though and everyone is pretty nice.