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New Project Carver 3087 - have a few ?

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 12:19 pm
by Carver_SL
Hello Carver Yacht Owners Forum!

I just recently purchased a project yacht - 3087 Allegra Carver. The boat needs a fair amount of detailing (pressure washing and buffing). The hours are roughly 500 hrs with twin 454 with Bravo drives. Been boating most all my life and understand the many concerns of this boat and its mechanical. I purchased it at a firesale price and can tell that the boat is more about neglect than anything. I was able to fire one engine, and the other I am told has a starter or wire connection issue. The drives had been serviced two-three years ago and the engine area is bone dry. Considering we are in one of the wettest regions and the boat is outside in the weather with just a toneau cover I was surprised.

I have a few questions, I would like to ask as I have owned a single drive boat for years, and not a Carver yacht.

1. I noticed both motors have power sterring units, but only one has a belt to it. Can anyone tell me if it is typical to have only one power sterring pump functioning, or shoud both be hooked up?

2. Is there a good source to find parts for this Yacht such as a bimini top or full top?

3. Aside from Craigs list, is there any good suggested sites for finding other parts for this boat - ie: generator, windlass, or other?

Thank you for any info you can pass along.

Best regard,


Re: New Project Carver 3087 - have a few ?

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 9:16 am
by waybomb
1) I believe each of your outdrives has its own separate power steering. Simple enough to figure out - if each drive has a cylinder on each side, and those hoses eventually lead to separate pumps, well, now you know!

2) You may be able to buy from Carver, but crazy money I am sure. Find a local canvas shop and they will make you a nice new one.

3) I use ebay an awful lot. Sometimes prices are cheaper at Defender, but rarely. Set up a watch list and you will get emailed whenever a new item pops up. Saves a ton of time.

Oh, and welcome to the forum.

Re: New Project Carver 3087 - have a few ?

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 1:12 pm
by Carver_SL
Thank you for the information. BTW - look at your pictures quickly - Nice boat!!!