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Winter boating

Posted: February 19th, 2019, 11:20 pm
by thatchh
Here's a taste of winter boating in the Puget Sound area on New Year's Day. Plenty of dock space at the state park.

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 4:19 am
by Midnightsun
I have been looking all over the place but never seemed to be able to find winter props, preferably studded since we get a lot of ice around here. Mind sharing your source. :-D

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 5:45 am
by pepmyster
Props should be Good Water Ice buster 2000's. Heard some excellent reviews on them :-P

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 10:14 am
by bud37
Nice....nothing like a few shots from the west coast....... :lol: I mean pics..was going to take some winter boating shots yesterday at the boat, but dropped the cell in the snowbank while entering the boat and it froze ...:-O

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 12:13 pm
by g36
I actually wish some of you guys with snow could send some south to tennesee we haven't had any winter to speak of this year.

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 12:23 pm
by Midnightsun
I wish I could too, feels like living in an igloo as of late and they are forecasting anther 6" tonight. One area at my kitchen window the roof snow peeled away and made a 10' high bank. Can't see out of the kitchen any more. Still pretty cool though.

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 1:12 pm
by g36
Wow I am sorry for you but to tell the truth I would love to see that I'm sure it's beautiful. Weve travelled and have seen some beautiful winter scences just never been anywhere long enough to get tired of it. We never have snow here in tennessee that lasts any time and if we do its gone the next or same day. Hang in there summers on its way.

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 2:14 pm
by Viper
thatchh wrote:Source of the post Here's a taste of winter boating in the Puget Sound area on New Year's Day. Plenty of dock space at the state park.

I hate you ;-)

g36 wrote:Source of the post ......We never have snow here in tennessee that lasts any time and if we do its gone the next or same day......

aaaand I hate you ;-) ;-)
:worthy: :help: :banghead:

Re: Winter boating

Posted: February 20th, 2019, 3:55 pm
by Cooler
g36 - Come on up. Stay as long as you want. You can stay on my boat. The snow is beau......., no it isn't. Just cold and dead looking. Anyway, bring a truck and take some home with you. You're welcome to as much as you want.

Viper - just a few, er, maybe several, er, some weeks away and we will be able to see over the banks. Won't be long, it'll just seem like a long, long time. Remember, Rick is going to launch on April 7th. 8-) er

Re: Winter boating

Posted: March 7th, 2019, 6:03 am
by Midnightsun
Let's see, March 6th and the snow has not even started to melt slightly, -23C, windchill -27 as I type this and the forecast is for a few more inches on Sunday! Yesterday I gassed up the car in a miserable wind, felt like -40 and I needed gloves because of the cold. I kid you not, I have Viking skin/blood and the cold normally does not bother me. Again, it's effen March already. I see the Midwest and right down to Texas are fairing even worse!