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CBSA entry reporting locations

Posted: May 4th, 2022, 7:43 pm
by bud37
Here is something interesting......seems they are reducing the number of reporting places..... ... sa-options

Re: CBSA entry reporting locations

Posted: May 4th, 2022, 8:19 pm
by km1125
That is sad to hear!! In ALL the times I've visited Canada by boat, going INTO Canada was the easiest. Getting back into the USA was the challenge!! Always thought their 'call-in' system was pretty cool and effective. I think only once or twice I had to wait for someone to show up in person to do their inspection.

I think it will decimate travel via boat to the country. I cannot imagine having to run up to Sarnia just to visit Port Lambton. I wonder where the next closest port is for Windsor or Lk St Clair is?

EDIT: just looked up some stuff on the transport canada site. The do have a header "In response to COVID-19, CBSA has temporarily suspended its services at many small vessel reporting sites. "... so hopefully at some point things will return to normal.

Here is a link to the list of sites (and you can filter it down on the left edge): ... e-eng.html

Re: CBSA entry reporting locations

Posted: May 4th, 2022, 10:39 pm
by Midnightsun
I have visited the US regularly for the last 20+ years by boat, never really an issue. Things have changed over the years especially after 911.

Then covid hit and closed the doors so its been 2 seasons now that I have not crossed over. When I say cross over I literally mean it since the US is on the other side of the river. Roll back to 2019, easy as pie. Using the CBP app I apply for entry ... rview/roam Sometimes they just send me an entry number and I am good to go. Other times they want to hook up via video through the app on my phone where they ask me a few questions and ultimately just send me an entry number so basically I am free to enter. In all my years of going to the US by boat which must be over 100 times, never have I had to report in physically or have someone come on board.

Both my wife and I are enrolled and accepted as trusted travellers and do have nexus cards so this may help a little. Then again lots of boater I know are not nexus and have the same ease of entry and return as we do.

To get back into Canada, a phone call to customs after I tie up to my dock is all it takes, they ask a few questions and give you an entry number. Again, never have I needed to report to a station or have someone come on board.

This is for Canadian vessels going to the US and then returning back to Canada. Not sure what is involved for Americans entering Canada and then returning to the US.

Hopefully this summer things will be back to where they were before covid and hopefully nothing has changed regarding crossing over and then back.