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1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: November 28th, 2015, 12:46 pm
by JimnJudi
Can anyone tell us what electrical fixture is in the cabinet above the fridge in a 1997 Mariner 350? Ours has 2 insulated 12v wires with open ends coming from the ceiling into the cabinet with nothing connected. Any help is appreciated.
Jim and Judi
1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: November 28th, 2015, 4:32 pm
by After Taxes
So it appears the original fuxture was removed and the wires simply left exposed? Yea, I've seen stuff like that. Some boat owners are ... something else, aren't they?
Why not use a 12-volt tester, (available at any hardware store, or borrow from your friendly mechanic) determine if you have power, then purchase any 12-volt marine quality fixture of your choice and install. Today's choices are immeasurable over what was originally installed, so you shouldn't need to worry about replacing as original part.
My ceiling fixtures are all small round G4 halogen (which I've the replaced almost all halogen G4 type bulbs with LED - not the fixtures, just the bulbs), however over the galley sink, I have one, approximately 12-inch long florescent fixture.
Trust this helps.
1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: November 29th, 2015, 3:49 am
by JimnJudi
Thanks For the power suggestion. Is your fixture switched at the light, or is there a wall switch or switch that activates when the cabinet door is opened? I'll test ours next time I'm at the storage building.
1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: November 29th, 2015, 6:57 am
by Ramsport47
I believe that the item in that cabinet was the TV antenna booster. Not sure why anyone would have removed it, unless they took the antenna off as well
1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: December 6th, 2015, 2:18 pm
by JimnJudi
Good thought Kenny. The dealer put in a garmin digital antenna on the arch before our purchase. If the wires were to an antenna booster, that would explain why there's nothing there now. Does anyone else have a light in the cabinet? Or an antenna booster? Thinking of just permanently capping off in an approved box for safety.
1997 Mariner 350 question
Posted: December 8th, 2015, 5:47 am
by Ramsport47
Nothing else in that cabinet that I can should be safe to put butt connectors on the ends of the wires for future use, if needed