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466 Aft Deck Wet Bar options

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 9:10 am
by David Brady
Hi team Carver - sitting in my office, s/b working, but instead am thinking about next projects for my New (to me) Carver (so, I will now call this working!). My 2001 466 has the Cabinet over the sink/ice maker on the aft deck (as opposed to the enclosed alarm system). Previous owners have "converted" the space for storage of junk (cleaning stuff, keys, tools, stuff) but in keeping with the name of the unit (its a wet BAR), I would like to un-re-purpose the space back into.... that, a Bar. I note inside that the back wall of the cabinet is mirrored (good start!), and along each side of the bottom of the cabinet are wood strips with what appear to be screw holes in them. I assume there was a different configuration that has been removed. My idea is to build a new bottle cut out to hold bottles in place, leave some space for acrylic glassware and such, and add accent lighting. I have also been scouring the internet looking for pics of what it used to look like, to no avail. Does anyone have the similar wet bar unit (pictured below) where the cabinet is still used for refreshments/glassware, etc and can send a picture? All ideas are welcome, else I will be "winging it".

Looking forward to hearing from any and all! Until then, I leave you with thoughts of sunsets on the water, drinks from the wet BAR, many great voyages ahead and my.....

very best Regards,
Dave B

Re: 466 Aft Deck Wet Bar options

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 8:27 am
by David Brady
Hi Team Carver! Hope all is well as we approach the start of a great season. So, Mission Accomplished! My wet bar is now.... a Bar (again, I assume). I added lighting, a door switch and built the bottle "cradle" out of poplar, paint and very poor math! My "test bottles" are meager but hopefully, you get the picture. Also added the TV, to complete the new "aft deck" experience. Jeopardy and a Manhattan! going to be a great summer! Take care all and I leave you now with.....

Thoughts of an early burn and lots of warm breezes,
Dave B
"Brayde Davies"

Re: 466 Aft Deck Wet Bar options

Posted: April 24th, 2023, 11:21 am
by Cooler
Looks great! Nice catch on the square bottle hole in the rack. Also, great location for the "shot bell", or maybe that's for tips! Only thing I would add is a bottle of lime infused gin, and some quarts of key lime water. Very good & no hangovers. 8-) er