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Waste Tank Filter

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Waste Tank Filter

Postby bobfino » June 1st, 2014, 9:15 am

Hello, on the 2005 model 396 are there in line filters for the heads? If so, can you give me an idea where they might be located?
Thanks Bob

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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby Lyndon670 » June 1st, 2014, 10:25 am

Hey Bob, I just bought a new-to-me 506, and was going through the same exercise. First yes, there will be filters on your 396. They way I found mine was to walk around the outside of the boat and look for the small black plastic vent caps that stick out in the area of the heads. Then I went inside and tried to approximate where the vent caps were on the outside of the boat. Next, I tried to locate the hose going to that vent cap, from the head. I ended up finding my filter about 1/2 way along that hose, located in the front cedar lined closet. I noticed four screws on a back panel in the closet and pulled the panel which exposed the filter. One head down, 2 more to go....

Good luck!
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby bobfino » June 2nd, 2014, 11:04 am

Thanks Lyndon, I will start the search. The a/c unit is behind the cedar panel in the closet so lets see what else is in there. The other thing I find interesting is Carver put the pump out for the forward head right below the railing on the bow and when ever we need to pump out, the marinas have a really hard time getting the nozzle and fitting below the rail. They have to use a universal piece that does not make the best of seals. Somebody wasn't thinking.
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby DanM » June 2nd, 2014, 3:55 pm

The forward one is in the engine room all the way forward (ahead of the generator) on the starboard side. The aft one is under the master mattress. On mine I needed to remove the framing that supports the lift off access panels. Good luck and don't forget to open the hatch and portholes!

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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby bobfino » June 4th, 2014, 10:47 am

Thanks Dan, sounds like a weekend project to me. First to locate and be sure I have the replacements before removal. Thanks for the warning on the hatch and port holes!!!
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby Lyndon670 » June 4th, 2014, 5:51 pm

You know that you don't have to replace the filter - only the charcoal.
2000 Carver 506
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Queens Cove Marina
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby bobfino » June 16th, 2014, 9:14 am

Hi Lyndon,
Sorry for the late response just haven't had time to fix this problem yet. Thanks for the input because I did not know you can replace just the charcoal. Bob
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby Lyndon670 » June 16th, 2014, 11:52 pm

Hey Bob, no worries!

It's simple and I don't know why everybody doesn't do it. Pull your old filter out. Cut it in half with a hack saw. Pull the old charcoal out and discard. Go to your local aquarium supply store and buy the replacement charcoal aggregate. Then go to Home Depot and head into their PVC plumbing section. Buy the right sized PVC joiner sleeve to join your old tube back with the severed end, and some non permanent sealant (3M, or anything that will come apart when you need to do this again). Head back to the boat, repack with new charcoal, slide the PVC joiner sleeve back over and seal it. Done, $15 investment, extra 5 minutes - and you will probably have leftover charcoal for next year!
2000 Carver 506
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Queens Cove Marina
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Re: Waste Tank Filter

Postby bobfino » June 17th, 2014, 10:43 am

Hi Lyndon,
Excellent idea and will save a good amount of money from replacing two of them. Thanks again for this and the input about the u-bolts on the hard top. Will take a look this weekend. Bob

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