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General Rudder gap question

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Scurvy Dog
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General Rudder gap question

Postby rvannan » January 23rd, 2022, 10:55 am

93 350 AC - Noticed when boat was pulled for storage (first year of ownership) that there is about a 1/8" gap between rudder and mount. Same on both rudders. Just curious if this is expected and through shaft is designed to float a bit? Advice much appreciated!

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Re: General Rudder gap question

Postby km1125 » January 23rd, 2022, 2:51 pm

As long as there's some gap I wouldn't think it would be an issue. You wouldn't want too much or all that stuff inside is going to be moving around a lot.

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Re: General Rudder gap question

Postby Viper » January 24th, 2022, 10:00 am

Ya that's a totally normal gap. You can get away with a little more but only if all the attaching hardware is in the proper place, tight, and doesn't have excessive ware. It's okay to have a little vertical movement but not much depending on the type of system. There shouldn't be any lateral movement/slop from side to side.
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Scurvy Dog
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Re: General Rudder gap question

Postby rvannan » January 29th, 2022, 10:40 am

thank you Both

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