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Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

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Re: Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

Postby Russdee » February 16th, 2024, 6:53 pm

km1125 wrote:Source of the post
Russdee wrote:Good to know.. I have a 3607 that is leaking rain water into the aft cabin underneath the writing table.. The rub rail on my boat seams to be pretty tight and can't see where any removable/replaceable sealant would be
rub rail 1.jpg

Are you talking about the table on the port side?

The portlights back there would be a big suspect, including the one in the aft head. There's a fiberglass "shelf"" under those that would allow water to track aft from the point of the actual leak and then drop down later.

If you haven't already, I would also thoroughly check the stanchions and the cleat to make sure there's no possibility those are allowing water in also.

Water can track along the inside of the hull and start showing up pretty far from the actual leak location. Some of those buggers can be hard to find.

Thanks for the reply. Yes,,I was referring to the port side table in the aft cabin. I'll check both port side windows..
On another note did you rig a boarding ladder for your 3607. The boss is altitude challenged and needs a more "elegant" method to board/disembark the boat than we have now :-(

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Re: Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

Postby km1125 » February 17th, 2024, 12:46 pm

Russdee wrote:[
Thanks for the reply. Yes,,I was referring to the port side table in the aft cabin. I'll check both port side windows..
On another note did you rig a boarding ladder for your 3607. The boss is altitude challenged and needs a more "elegant" method to board/disembark the boat than we have now :-(

For several years while the water was really high I built steps for the dock that would make it much easier to board from the sides of the boat. After I had done that I wished I had built a single step for when the water wasn't so high because that would have made it much easier on many folks. I also overhung the step over the side of the dock by a few inches to close the gap between the step and the boat. There was a piling right next to it so there was no danger of the boats hull hitting the step and it made it very easy -even for smaller kids- to get safely aboard. I'll see if I can find some pics somewhere of what I did.
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Re: Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

Postby pwillis@mail.com » March 4th, 2024, 7:45 am

I have a similar problem with my 406. The water ends up soaking the floor in the aft room closet and on the port side floor. It only happens when it rains.
1999 Carver 406 Aft Cabin
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Re: Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

Postby pwillis@mail.com » March 21st, 2024, 9:03 am

We had a significant rain fall about two weeks ago. I watched water run off the fly bridge and onto the aft deck where the stantion goes through the aft deck (next to the doors). I cleaned the gap and took the old caulk out of the joint and resealed it. Now I have to wait for another rain to test the new joint. Keep your fingers crossed!! Thanks everyone!
1999 Carver 406 Aft Cabin
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Re: Rain water entering 366 MY aft cabin.

Postby pwillis@mail.com » March 26th, 2024, 8:59 am

That didn't fix it. We had about 2" of rain last week here on the Sassafras river, and the carpet in the aft bedroom was soaked again. My next investigation will be the portside window behind the closet and the penetration of water and power through the aft deck underneath the wet bar.
1999 Carver 406 Aft Cabin

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