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Fuel being drawn out of the wrong tank

Posted: May 6th, 2015, 6:15 pm
by johnotte
I have the fuel selector valves set to draw out of the port and stbd. Tanks. But both engines seem to be drawing out of the aft tanks and the othe two remain full.
What am I missing here.
Thanks, John

Re: Fuel being drawn out of the wrong tank

Posted: May 6th, 2015, 8:49 pm
by g36
i have a 97 405 which is the same boat differrent year
i just got through replacing all my fuel lines over the winter, this is easy on this boat. with that, i have crusaders with tbi injection and a return fuel line to the tanks through the selector valves. dont know if you have this tbi injection or multi but i would trace the fuel hoses back to verify that the fuel return lines and pickup hoses are correctly installed on the valves going to the tank you think they are going to. because you can remove the center screw on the valve and place it in the other postion which you might think is going to one tank but actually going to the other. do this for all 4 tanks and both valves.
#2 are you sure your fuel sender is reading correcly and not stuck on the tank in question. the valves are pretty simple mechanically so if neither is an issue than i might think the vavle but i would think you would see a leak coming from it or back flow somewhere. i would not think the valve being defective is the problem . please let s know what you find out