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Leak in fresh water system

Posted: June 1st, 2013, 2:13 pm
by PattyLou
Carver 466, Have a leak in fresh water system, replaced pump, can't find leak but water in in bilge. Pump keeps turning on Pumped out water in bilge it comes back over a period of time, lost all the water in tank sometime in a 24 hour period. If pump is not on, water level does not go down. Water in bilge also when city water is on. So can't be a tank leak, have checked all faucets, toilet's, water heater, dishwasher and washer can't find leak in engine room when those sources are running.

Re: Leak in fresh water system

Posted: June 1st, 2013, 4:00 pm
by waybomb
I think you'll be taking cabinet backs apart, and access covers off to find the leak. There's lots of connections. Start with the faucet connections - not at the faucet, but at the main water line going by the faucet. Probably behind a panel on the wall or floor. The ice maker, water heater, etc, I doubt a pipe failed, but I could see a fitting or connection failing.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!

Re: Leak in fresh water system

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 6:18 pm
by PattyLou
Good news it appears the source of leak is found. When winterizing the relief value on hot water was opened and by pass on water heater was done, forgot to close it. Closed it and pump stopped running and no loss of water from tank had partially filled for third time. Thanks for the suggestions Patty Lou