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Winterizing 89 Carver 2557?

Posted: October 31st, 2015, 10:25 pm
by Syuhas85

she's old but shes pretty and actually getting interior redone at the moment time to bring the past to life.

My question is I never had a boat with a 7.4L Merc & Bravo 1 Outdrive that being said never had a seawater pump always just the water impeller in the outdrive.

SO...... How can I run the antifreeze thru this boat does the outdrives veins still pull water or is it the thru water inlet on the portside hull only thing is I cant see this a fitting or strainer I actually have no idea what that water inlet is for.

Basically I dont wanna burn my boat up and I have no idea if i can just use the tool i have been using for years to winterize my boat.

and any advice for the toilet and sink etc consider I just bought the boat and know nothing about winterizing it

ANY ADVISE will be much much obliged. :banghead:

Re: Winterizing 89 Carver 2557?

Posted: November 1st, 2015, 8:05 am
by Ramsport47
Beautiful boat! My first Carver was a 2557 Montego with a 7.4L Volvo duoprop. Loved that boat! Where in Sandusky do you dock? We are at Cedar Point Marina.

You should be able to draw antifreeze through the drive using muffs and either raising the bucket up high or using a pump to supply the antifreeze to the muffs.

The toilet has an intake on the bottom of the boat, and the water pump for the water system should be below the floor right outside the had door (if memory serves me)

Re: Winterizing 89 Carver 2557?

Posted: November 1st, 2015, 9:38 am
by Syuhas85
Ramsport*** your awesome thank you!
I'm docked at battery park directly across from you in the bay

So engine wise I can just hook up my muffs on the out drive just like any mercruiser alpha 1 and it will draw the water to the engine correct?
(To clarify how I do the engine I have a 4 gallon jug full of pink... Then coming off the jug is a two way, one way is going to the water hose from the house the other way is coming from the jug to the muffs.... So after the engine warms up and the thermostat pops I turn the two way off the water side and the engine just sucks the antifreeze out of the jug I do this till it comes out of the exhaust.. I've done it for years this way but that was a alpha one I didn't know if bravo1 still sucked water thru the out drive or if it used that water pick up on the hull to cool the engine)

And that strainer looking water inlet on the bottom of the driver side hull is for when you pump your toilet it sucks up water instead of using your fresh water tank? If that's the case do I just turn the knob on the toilet to on and dump antifreeze down the toilet or do I need to pump it?

On the nose of the bow is the water and waste inlets I dumped half a jug of rv pink down both.

Thanks for the help