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cleaning sea strainer on 1986 Mariner 3297

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 6:57 pm
by Ness
We are the proud new owner, and feeling kinda silly. Please tell me where the sea strainers for the engines are. One engine runs a little hot over 20 RPMs, and someone told me that could be the problem.

Re: cleaning sea strainer on 1986 Mariner 3297

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 7:24 pm
by mjk1040
Our '86 Mariner had no sea strainers on the crusader engines. I installed some the year we sold her. Make sure sea cocks at open all the way. Next I would suggest pulling the fresh raw water pumps and changing your impellers. If your issue is still there, I would change the thermostats. What ever you do to one engine I suggest you do to the other engine. PS>Our 1998 355 AC/MY with crusaders have no strainers on the engine either!

Re: cleaning sea strainer on 1986 Mariner 3297

Posted: June 21st, 2017, 9:32 pm
by Viper
Ya chances are for that vintage you don't have strainers. There are several things that can contribute to hot running engines. What engines do you have, what do you consider "a little hot" and are you closed cooled (coolant in block)?