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Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 18th, 2018, 1:40 pm
by MakinTime
Hi guys looking at getting a new windlass from a friend. It is the Lewmar concept 1 it is new unit with a used gypsy on it, new gypsy was taken for another windlass. Gypsy on it is very usable. I can get it for next to nothing thinking 200 bucks. I know this is a obsolete windlass, but does anyone have experience with one? My current windlass is a Simpson Lawrence sprint 1000 which needs a new motor (cost is $450).

I will attach a pic thanks.

Re: Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 3:58 am
by mjk1040
If you can install it without a lot of modification to the install area, I'd go for it. But if it's going to be a lot of modification to install, I'd replace the motor. Can you have the motor shipped out and rebuilt for less than a new one? Then again the price of the motor alone is more than half the price of a brand new windless? Another concern does this unit take the same size rode that you presently have or are you going to have to get new rode? Just considerations!

Re: Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 6:31 am
by MakinTime
Thanks for response! The unit excepts 5/16 g4 chain which is what I currently have so I’m good there. The footprint looks very close to what I currently have may have to drill another hole. The shop I brought the motor too is unable to fix due to corrosion. I have never seen a Lewmar Concept 1 windlass before wondering how good reliability and everything is. Looks like there are still parts available here and there online.

Re: Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 7:15 am
by mjk1040
Well then, I see your old windless motor mounts vertical to the windless and the replacement your considering mounts horizontal. Guess if it fits and works. go for it. Then sell yours on ebay for parts. Can't speak to the replacement brand, but if it is used as it should be, it should give you great service. Good luck with your choice, hope all works for you.

Re: Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 7:15 am
by mjk1040

Re: Lewmar Concept 1 windlass

Posted: February 19th, 2018, 7:15 am
by mjk1040