Pink stuff, you know, plumbing/engine antifreeze we all winterize with. There are 2 types, alcohol based which is much cheaper used by many but will prematurely destroy your impellers, seals/rubber it sits on over time which includes plumbing/toilets or heads as the boating world calls them. Remember, when you winterize, everything sits in the product during the entire time until you flush at launch the following year!
The other type is based on Propylene Glycol which is not always easy to spot on the label. If there is a flammable label on the container you know it is alcohol based so steer clear of those. In Canada I have found Marine Mart to be the best place to pick this up when it comes to pricing. This time of year they are always discounted and since I use about 20 gallons I tend to buy now. I use the -50F/-45C non diluted which has never been an issue. $5.99 a gallon is pretty darn cheap for this stuff.
https://www.entrepotmarinemart.com/en/a ... 0-cam31757