I think it's time for a replacement, but I'd like to know what this one is so I can research mounting configurations and minimize drilling and filling if possible.
Last year at the beginning of the season the rode and chain could be pulled up by the windlass. By the end of the season the rode would slip, and the chain would work fine. Now this year everything slips and I have to pull it by hand. Motor spins nicely, but I think the teeth or whatever grips the rode/chain is so worn out it just can't grab anything anymore.
Before I bought the boat the PO had something welded on the windlass according to my slip neighbor. I'm thinking that couldn't be a good thing. I don't see anything on the outside that has weld marks on it ,so I'm betting he did something inside.
I can't find any numbers on the motor other than P10153, which the googler tells me is a replacement motor for either an 800 or 1000 series, but didn't narrow it down enough to a model. There's no markings on the windlass itself. The only other thing that has a sticker with anything on it is the solenoid, but that didn't lead me anywhere either. It does have a horizontal motor.
Any help identifying this windlass and suggestions on a replacement are appreciated as always.