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AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 20th, 2021, 5:10 pm
by Roddono
I have another strange question. Own a 91 Carver 33. I would like to clean the plexiglass sliding windows back side in front of the electrical panel inside the cabin. The slider is built into the wood side. Anybody have any luck or ideas on how to clean the back side of this glass? Obviously I can’t get my hand in there.
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 20th, 2021, 6:41 pm
by waybomb
Have you tried lifting it up so the bottom clears the channel?
Not familiar with your model, but that;s how they came out of my 4207.
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 21st, 2021, 10:47 am
by Roddono
waybomb wrote:Source of the post Have you tried lifting it up so the bottom clears the channel?
Not familiar with your model, but that;s how they came out of my 4207.
That doesn’t work. Channel is wood and deep. Thanks
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 21st, 2021, 10:57 am
by km1125
I'm not familiar with that boat, but I wonder if it's the same as the 3607. I never did figure out a way to get that part out, as it slides behind the starboard wall, but I never really had to clean it except for the front side. Seems like you'd have to take the wall down to get it out, which is also complicated if you had a lower helm.
Thinking about it though, if it is the same. Does your electrical panel tilt down? Can you stick your head (or even your hand) in there and look or feel around to the left to see if the backside is exposed?
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 21st, 2021, 11:16 am
by Roddono
km1125 wrote:Source of the post I'm not familiar with that boat, but I wonder if it's the same as the 3607. I never did figure out a way to get that part out, as it slides behind the starboard wall, but I never really had to clean it except for the front side. Seems like you'd have to take the wall down to get it out, which is also complicated if you had a lower helm.
Thinking about it though, if it is the same. Does your electrical panel tilt down? Can you stick your head (or even your hand) in there and look or feel around to the left to see if the backside is exposed?
I will try that.
Thank you.
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 29th, 2021, 11:44 pm
by gmac98004
Hello Gang,
I have the same issue on my 355 AC. I need to add a switch to the DC panel and can't swing the panel down due to the sliding mirror door interference. Tried all sorts of tricks but no success.
Surely there must be a way to remove those doors successfully???
Any assistance is appreciated!!
Many Thanks, Greg
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 30th, 2021, 8:08 am
by Viper
If the two panels have knobs on them, try removing the knob so it allows you to slide the panel past the other one enough to swing the breakers out.
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: January 30th, 2021, 10:00 am
by bud37
Just a comment/observation.
Seems odd it was built with no way to remove the entire panel for any maintenance. Surely someone on here with the same boat has been into that panel in the last 20 years.....
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: February 9th, 2021, 11:18 pm
by gmac98004
Hi Everyone,
So………after a long internal debate, I had to decide to break off the bottom plastic slider door track from the tiny ¼” high MDF riser it was glued to.
The glue on the riser block was FAIRLY well applied but after a 10 minute fight with a putty knife, I was able to slide the entire 48” length of plastic track off and gain JUST enough room for the 2 doors to be removed.
Can’t believe my solution was the intended path. The glued on aluminum "U" channel on the edge of the front mirrored door seemed to be too tall. (See image 133357&133350). It was not possible to move that door up in the track for a typical slider removal. I’m going to trim about ½” off the end of each door to allow the AC and the DC panel doors to flip down uninterrupted in the future.
Thanks for all of the input!
Happy Cruising, Greg
Re: AC/DC plexiglass slider
Posted: February 10th, 2021, 8:06 am
by RGrew176
Thanks for posting how you took care of the problem.