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Foul smell in salon bar cabinet, in 1999 450 voyager we have sanitized grey water tank and black water tanks

Posted: February 13th, 2021, 4:49 pm
by SeaMo
Has anyone had a bad odor under their salon bar sink in the cabinet? No smell in the sink. Was told it was the grey water tank but we sanitized that, still has odor Really need help!!

Re: Foul smell in salon bar cabinet, in 1999 450 voyager we have sanitized grey water tank and black water tanks

Posted: February 13th, 2021, 5:25 pm
by Pflat
I would check the engine room, the guest head vacuum pump is located on the port side. The bellows on the pump on mine split and it took me awhile to figure out where the smell was coming from. You also might have sanitation hoses that have become gas permeable. The hoses run right across the forward bulkhead in the engine room. I’m not sure but the wet bar might be right above that bulkhead.
Good luck,

Re: Foul smell in salon bar cabinet, in 1999 450 voyager we have sanitized grey water tank and black water tanks

Posted: February 13th, 2021, 6:25 pm
by Viper
I agree with Pete, that would have been my first guess too. If there's nothing obvious and there are waste hoses in that area, place a warm wet rag on one of the hoses and let it sit for a while. If the rag smells when you remove it, your hoses are permeated and while there may be some chemicals with appealing claims, the only sure cure is replacing the hoses.

If there is a sink on top of that cabinet, check to make sure nothing is wet in there that might be causing the smell like rotting wood. Can you get into every area of the cabinet's cavity? A dead rodent may be in a hidden spot. Now there's a horrible smell. If you keep using the boat the way you are and the smell gets less intensive then goes away without doing anything, it could very well be something that died and has dried up over time. Morbid but I've ran into that on boats, don't know how they get in though, I suspect engine compartment grills.