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Leaking fuel tank

Posted: February 1st, 2022, 9:38 am
by ZigZag
Stbd diesel tank seeping from bottom (exact location undetermined). Any information on repair or replacement?
Thanks, Bob

Re: Leaking fuel tank

Posted: February 1st, 2022, 10:00 am
by Viper
Welcome aboard Bob. A leaking gas tank is unfortunate. Regardless of whether it'll need replacing or a repair, you won't know until you remove the tank and inspect the bottom. You'll have to remove that engine to get the tank out though. Given the amount of work involved to get the tank out, I wouldn't even bother repairing. For the age, you might as well replace and be done with it. The last thing you want is to go through all the trouble to remove and repair and then have it spring a leak elsewhere. you'll also want to consider that the other tank may be relatively in the same condition and may be just a matter of time before it starts leaking too. The original tank manufacturer is probably no longer around but there's several good tank fabricators in the States that can supply the tanks. Take a look on the tank for an information label then search the manufacturer on-line. It'll likely lead you to the company that bought out the OEM whom may also have the original blueprints. If not, they can go by your measurements. I'm sure the guys here will chime in with suggestions on who you can contact close to your area.

Good luck and keep us posted Bob.

Re: Leaking fuel tank

Posted: February 1st, 2022, 11:13 am
by g36
Sorry to hear your tank is leaking. I had these people make custom tanks for my trojan several years ago. They shipped them to me in Tennessee and I installed them. They did a good job for me......

Re: Leaking fuel tank

Posted: February 2nd, 2022, 11:55 pm
by plittle2005
I hope this isn't too simple-minded, probably have 2 aluminum tanks. The sender gasket (cork) can age and leak which would drip down the sides and look like bottom leakage. Also check the filler hoses.

If this was my boat, and given its age, and if the tank really had to be replaced, I would be strongly tempted to just empty out the tank, add some ballast to that side and run off of the other tank ( and no, there is no guarantee that the good tank is near failure, as failure is due to MANY things) and fuel up twice as often.

I believe that of all the kazillion aluminum tanks that do NOT leak that are out there, make sure that you actually have a hole in the aluminum. This ain't the good ol' "black iron" Taiwanese days!

Re: Leaking fuel tank

Posted: February 11th, 2022, 5:00 pm
by Hugo
Florida marine tanks made a lot of the later model carver tanks…

Re: Leaking fuel tank

Posted: March 21st, 2022, 1:12 pm
by Wsullivan71
I agree with pLittle2005, I had what I thought was a fuel tank leak but turned out to be the filler hose was dry rotted and cracked.