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Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

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Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby nmcap » April 2nd, 2023, 10:57 am

Buck algonquin sea cock, broke the stud that holds the handle on.
The valve works fine...just the handle wont stay on.Dont really want to replace the whole thing. Cant find any assembly illustrations...looks like it is just a screwin stud ... afraid the ball assembly will fall out if i just unscew it ... has anyone ever replaced this? Where did you get the parts...any info would be appreciated.[image][/image]
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby Midnightsun » April 2nd, 2023, 12:19 pm

Not really however it does look like the break was at the end of the threads which is only there to hold the handle in place. If the flat on each side of the shaft is still there the valve will still work by slipping on the handle and turning it. It will probably be difficult to keep the valve handle from coming off however still doable. You should have it replaced though as in an emergency you don't want to be fiddling around with a handle that easily comes off. Option B would be do drill a small hole into the broken shaft, tap and using a smaller screw and fender washer to hold it in place. Could maybe even use some JB weld as another option.
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby km1125 » April 2nd, 2023, 12:32 pm

I'd be surprised if you could replace that stud, unless you took the whole thing apart. Since the ball is probably stainless, that stud has to be a separate part. But it also has to be "integral" with the ball so that you can be assured the ball turns when you turn the handle. The only thing you might be able to do with it in place is drill and tap a hole in the middle and put a bolt in to hold the handle. That also wouldn't be an easy task.

And, technically, that's not a sea cock but just a ball valve. If it had the flange integrated with it then you'd call it a sea cock.
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby nmcap » April 2nd, 2023, 12:46 pm

drill and tap sounds doable - great idea - thank you!
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby Midnightsun » April 2nd, 2023, 1:08 pm

sea cock

That would be a rooster that swims or a description of an old salt's private parts. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby bud37 » April 2nd, 2023, 1:56 pm

Going to add a couple things here.....

Are you on salt water and is the boat in the water now ? Can you get a real good look at the break there, is there any evidence of corrosion weakening the shaft. If so consider replacing that valve and have a good look at the thru hull fitting there with all the green on it. Many times they fail from the inside with no warning. Seems odd where the break point is to me anyways.

Could be just fine but I am suggesting have a good look so you don't have problems when away from port.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby Viper » April 3rd, 2023, 7:10 am

Replace the valve! They don't have to haul you out completely to do the job, just get you a little above the water and leave you in slings. The valve can be replaced while in the water but I wouldn't attempt it on a valve that's been in salt water because you don't know the condition of the thru-hull intake. I wouldn't do a bush fix here, by drilling a hole in the shaft you weaken it further which is just asking for trouble at a time when you need it most, and if the worst happens, that'll be your insurance company's way out of a claim. Fix it properly.
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby Midnightsun » April 3rd, 2023, 9:37 am

My understanding is the valve works fine. Only the nut holding the handle in place is not functional any more. If you are worried about structural integrity by the drill tap method just use JB weld. Sticks perfectly to brass/bronze/steel. https://www.amazon.com/J-B-Weld-8276-KwikWeld-Reinforced/dp/B0006O1ICY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=NKACUIQXCV58&keywords=jb%2Bweld&qid=1680529004&sprefix=jb%2Bweld%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-2&th=1
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Re: Sea cock stud to hold handle on broke, can it be replaced

Postby km1125 » April 3rd, 2023, 12:03 pm

Viper wrote:Source of the post Replace the valve! They don't have to haul you out completely to do the job, just get you a little above the water and leave you in slings. The valve can be replaced while in the water but I wouldn't attempt it on a valve that's been in salt water because you don't know the condition of the thru-hull intake. I wouldn't do a bush fix here, by drilling a hole in the shaft you weaken it further which is just asking for trouble at a time when you need it most, and if the worst happens, that'll be your insurance company's way out of a claim. Fix it properly.

If I had to make recommendations, I'm with Viper on this one.

There's a difference between what you "can do" vs what you "should do". Drilling might be a temp solution, as would the epoxy but neither should be considered the final solution.

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