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350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: February 24th, 2025, 9:40 am
by Captain Sid
During survey the surveyor found that the steering pressure was at 10 lbs. I understand that it's supposed to be 20-25 lbs. I didn't get to see what he was looking at, but pretty sure he saw a gauge. Question is how do you increase the pressure in the system?

Re: 350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: February 24th, 2025, 11:07 am
by km1125
Depends on the system, but in the Hynautic system there is a gauge on the reservoir. It's not going to make much of a difference between 10 and 20-25PSI, although is there is any entrained air in the system, those bubbles will be a bit larger and when they go through the valves you'll feel a little 'skip' in the wheel, like a gear slipping a tooth or two. Won't harm anything, but you'll notice it in the wheel.

If the pressure is low, you can top it off with a regular bike pump or small tire compressor. Don't exceed max pressure though.

If the system continually loses pressure, then you have a leak somewhere, which should be found and fixed before it does become a problem with controlling the vessel.

Re: 350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: February 24th, 2025, 11:19 am
by Viper
Unless he hooked up gauges and operated the steering system to check pressures, you likely have a pressurized system. If that's the case, there should be a metal reservoir probably somewhere around the transom where the steering actuator is hooked up to the rudder hardware. It'll have a gauge on top and a Schrader valve for adding air to increase system pressure. While it's common to have the reservoir aft by the transom, it could be anywhere, sometimes in the engine compartment. While you're there, check the fluid level through the sight glass.

Re: 350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: February 24th, 2025, 3:27 pm
by Captain Sid
During sea trial right off the dock, we realized we had zero steering. The owner stopped the boat and turned the wheel lock to lock several times, and we regained steerage. I attributed this to the low pressure and the fact it was about 35 degrees out that day. Now I'm thinking maybe it was an air bubble that worked its way out and not low pressure. I do know the boat hasn't been used in a while. I'll look for that schrader valve and the reservoir. It is in the aft section.

Re: 350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: February 24th, 2025, 9:06 pm
by Viper
Check your helm (steering wheel) There should be a small fill cap either on the helm part right in front of the wheel or on the dash close by. If you can easily turn the cap to remove it, then you most likely don't have a pressurized system with a remote reservoir and are just low on fluid which you check and fill at the helm unit.

Re: 350 Aft Cabin Hydraulic Steering Pressure

Posted: March 3rd, 2025, 8:30 am
by bud37
Captain Sid wrote:Source of the post During survey the surveyor found that the steering pressure was at 10 lbs. I understand that it's supposed to be 20-25 lbs. I didn't get to see what he was looking at, but pretty sure he saw a gauge. Question is how do you increase the pressure in the system?

Just noticed this.......One thing to note here, an old pressure gage can give the wrong reading, I would double check the system with a known good gage then you can be sure of any repair being at the correct pressure.