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Deck railing skirt material

Posted: August 20th, 2014, 9:54 am
by porbe
On my 1995 325 AFT the hard panels on the outside of the rails are missing. This is the railing on the deck just above the aft berth. It appears they were cut off as I can see grinder marks on the railing where some of the mounting holes are.

My wife wants hard side skirting vs. canvas. I'm going to DIY this but have them custom cut. Does anyone know what material I should use? Where can I find the stand offs Anyone done this before or have some tips?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Deck railing skirt material

Posted: August 20th, 2014, 10:55 am
by Mkemper
We put Kingstarboard on a few years back. (Carver 3207) It's HDPE. It came in 50" by 10-0" lengths. I had them cut it in half in that 25" tall was a perfect size. Lanard plastics which I think is national carred it. Used a heat gun and clamps to bend the corners. I have pictures of it in the project center under the Carver revised thread

Re: Deck railing skirt material

Posted: August 21st, 2014, 7:14 am
by g36
do you think this boat could have come this way from carver with hard sides? have you called carver parts and asked brett? seems like i read somewhere they will still cut the plastic for you if it was a original design. if you do call please post or reply to what you decided to use.

Re: Deck railing skirt material

Posted: August 26th, 2014, 6:08 am
by Steamboat Willie
I talked to Brett at Carver about replacing one of my panels that was broken. They do carry the material, but it was so expensive I did not even consider it. Sorry, I cannot remember the prices he quoted me.