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3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 14th, 2019, 9:30 pm
by Jjwyc
Does a body know if this exhaust nozzle is a factory set up? I have 260 mercs with 4” to 3” exhaust hose on-each manifold they run to mufflers then out the transom to these nozzles that direct the exhaust into the water. Im only making 3000 rpm and am wondering if this is causing excess back pressure. I have gone through fuel system. Carbs and timing.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 14th, 2019, 11:04 pm
by buster53
I would look at props first. Any chance you are grossly overpropped.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 1:42 am
by Jjwyc
Props are good
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 5:16 am
by RGrew176
I've seen that style of exhaust on several other boats so I think it is a normal type of exhaust.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 7:35 am
by bud37
Those are.....Davis thru hull exhaust....had em on our 28 Mariner....should be no problems there.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 9:35 am
by Jjwyc
Thank you. Just the answers I was looking for.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 5:42 pm
by buster53
Are they the right size? Too much pitch can kill RPM's.
Re: 3297 mariner exhaust
Posted: September 15th, 2019, 8:26 pm
by Viper
Those are original factory exhaust equipment/option.