Thanks Ramsport that helps a lot! I appreciate your reply and I am relieved!
When you say it could have "cored hull sides", would this still be below the waterline?
Where does the bottom end and the sides begin?
I might sound like a beginner, well, I guess I am when it comes to big boats. Most of my experience has been with smaller aluminum boats. They have all been aluminum from the keel to the gunnels. When I watched video of FG boat construction, it has always been FG, never any coring. So if I sound confused, I guess I am a bit.
I toured a houseboat factory in Tennessee, where they make the Lil’ Hobo. They use a sandwich of material for the house construction. Mostly to keep the weight down. Everything below the water line ( pontoons )are all FG.
My personal preference is to have FG below the waterline. I have heard such horror stories of wet coring and it basically requires a major rebuilding or in extreme cases, scrapping the whole boat. I do not want to buy a problem. I know my surveyor should be able to determine this, and I will be very explicit with my guidance when asking him to double, even triple check for the construction and the condition. I suspect I will have to pay for a haul-out, but it would be cheap insurance if there is any problems
Thanks Again