Postby Justright » March 3rd, 2022, 5:21 pm
So I was able to attach two photos of the new platform—thanks for your help!
I will attach it to the boat soon. My question for the forum now is does anyone know the length of the 10 SS mounting bolts? I had to cut off two nuts as the bolt heads were turning inside the transom when I removed the platform. I didn't have extra hands to hold those bolts on the inside. I'd like to have the right bolts when I go to the marina. I know there are other options for anchoring bolts, etc., but straight replacement seems the easiest, assuming I can access the inside of the transom where they are.
BTW, the boat is a 1984 Riviera, though I'd guess all 28' models have the same bolt sizes.
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Last edited by
Justright on April 14th, 2022, 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.