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Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Anything related to the operation of your boat. Steering, Bilge Pumps, thru-hulls, bottom paint, etc.
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Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby Mariah's Song » July 11th, 2016, 8:01 pm

We were hit by this freak of nature on Friday evening while travelling from Port Severn to Frying Pan Bay. We literally went from calm sea's and zero wind to all out mayhem in a matter of minutes. The first wind blast taken on the port side knocked us to starboard to about 45 degrees. It was an all out battle to keep her turned into the wind using the throttles to steer. We were not making headway at all but being shoved off course into a heavily shoaled area. Visibility was non existent and the rain was horizontal, stinging and burning any exposed skin. We lost the battle and ended up on a smooth rock shoal heeled to starboard at a very steep angle. Mayday was put out and with no response, realised that our VHF antenna had been knocked down. A Coast Guard Auxiliary in the Honey Harbour answered and did a call relay. We were pounded and lashed for a considerable length of time after grounding. When the winds died down a young contractor who had been caught as well, approached us and began taking our crew on. A seadoo boat arrived shortly after, (possibly the ACCG member?), and got me off of the boat last. The Thomas P Coffin OPP unit arrived on scene and all 6 were transferred over. The Brebeuf CCG vessel arrived shortly thereafter and they transported one of the crew back to the boat to retrieve meds and wallets. We were then transported to the Midland Town Dock where a cab was called for us. Mariah's Song was pulled off of the shoal early Saturday morning by Hindson's Marina and towed back to their facility. Once there she was lifted out and blocked up. Obvious damage to both props, a bent strut, signs of surface damage to the keel, both chines and scuffs and scrapes down both sides. Construction of our 1982 3007 Aft Cabin was referred to as "like a tank" considering the pounding she had taken. Hats off to all who were involved, letters to appropriate agencies to follow, and hats off to Carver for the incredibly robust construction back in 1982.
No real injuries, the bruises and bumps. We were advised that the sustained winds had been measured at 69 knots!
We consider ourselves very fortunate.
Mariah's Song, and we will return after repairs.

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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby feeez » July 11th, 2016, 9:00 pm

Wow...... Are you referring this past Friday? Jul 8th....

We were anchored in Longuissa Bay that evening. Hard to beleive all that Mayhem was happening so very close. I am very happy to hear that all hands where rescued safe and sound.

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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby RGrew176 » July 11th, 2016, 9:12 pm

Glad that all of you made it through this storm without injuries. Fortunately the boat can and will be fixed. Hope you are back out on the water soon. There is still a lot of season left.
Rick Grew

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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby bud37 » July 11th, 2016, 9:19 pm

Good to see all were ok..boats can be fixed and if Larry does it , it will be right......thats something , I saw the tow guy going out Sat. morning ...... had heard the wind gusts were way up there , interesting it was not that bad at all in Penetang at the boat.
FWIW.....The above is just my opinion..... :popcorn:

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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby Viper » July 11th, 2016, 9:47 pm

Glad to hear everyone is safe. It was quite the storm. Simcoe was petty bad too. When it's horizontal rain and the sky turns a dark yellowish green, you know you're in for it.

Hope she's back in ship shape soon. Keep us posted.
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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby After Taxes » July 11th, 2016, 9:51 pm

Congratulations for being survivors and letting us know you are ok. We've done that route many times between Port Severn and Beausoleil, and I cannot imagine the terror of such winds and water that you experienced. Salute to you Skipper and crew!
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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby waybomb » July 12th, 2016, 6:19 pm

Wow. Glad all is well!
1969 Glaspar Avalon /1967 Johnson Electromatic 85
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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby Viper » July 12th, 2016, 10:48 pm

Sean Hickey is running Service at Hindson's. He'll look after her for you. Hopefully they're not so backed up that you'll be delayed getting her back in the water.
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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby Mariah's Song » July 12th, 2016, 11:42 pm

Viper wrote:Source of the post Sean Hickey is running Service at Hindson's. He'll look after her for you. Hopefully they're not so backed up that you'll be delayed getting her back in the water.

Thank you, we've been hearing a lot of positive things about Hindson's since Saturday. We are hoping to have her back for a 2 week vacation in August. Having said that, I don't believe in rushing quality. When she's finished, we'll deal with vacation plans then. In the meantime, we have the kayaks to play with.
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Re: Storm July 08, 2016 Georgian Bay

Postby RGrew176 » July 13th, 2016, 4:48 am

I hope you don't mind a couple of questions. Since I have the same boat I can learn from your experience.

You stated you were unable to make headway. Did the winds blow you backwards or did you get turned by the winds? Was your bridge enclosure up? Did that cause you not to be able to make headway. Were you on the bridge or were you piloting from the lower helm station? If not, could you have done better from below or was there just to much wind to overcome?

I once way back in 1997 come home from Put in Bay Ohio back to Bolles Harbor in gale force winds on Lake Erie. Winds were sustained at 47 knots with gusts over 55 so they say. For the record I was travelling with the wind and waves that day. It would have been impossible to travel against both wind and wave.

The boat I had at the time was a 1996 Bayliner 2855 Ciera. That boat was, so far, the best rough water boat I have ever owned.
Rick Grew

2022 Stingray 182 SC

2004 Past Commodore
West River Yacht & Cruising Club

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