tomschauer wrote:Source of the post.... make sure all of your interior doors are open, as they will bind.
Pontoon houseboats are notorious for having that problem because of the way they get blocked. It's also not uncommon to find bent structural beams from years of flexing on land.
Take pictures of all your windows to prove that none were cracked prior to this point. If she flexes enough, one or more will crack.
Send the pic to Carver Service and see what they say as some OEMs will have diagrams of the blocking points for different models, which by the way have always been the keel that I've seen. Even if they say those points alone are okay to support the weight of the vessel, the concern is how will ground movement affect that since the sides are bearing all the weight rather than simply steadying her. If they tell you that she must be set on her keel, get it in writing, take it to the marina and insist they remedy it properly. That means lifting her and setting her keel on blocks, not simply shimming blocks under her now.