1) I have already installed flush ports on my Engines and generators for de-salting when we venture into the salt water which will likely be often. I did a video on installing the flush ports on my YouTube channel if anyone is interested (my solution was <$100 dollars per engine)
2) Once I have a new address in Mobile, I will add AIS (Garmin 800 Transceiver) to my Carver for the river trip and beyond
3) We will have Aluminum anodes installed as we leave Lake Lanier
4) Once we arrive in Mobile at our new home port - The marina has a boat yard that also does bottom paint. Any suggestions for the bottom paint (brand, type, etc.) being in both brackish and salt water mostly on the ICW and rivers in and around Mobile AL.?
Lastly, any suggestions for the change in venue, fresh water to brackish, anything I may need to consider? As always, any help is greatly appreciated. Hope you all like the video if you chose to check it out. We are looking forward to not being stuck on the lake albeit a large lake, still a lake.